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Best email marketing summer practices

Summer madness is almost over! It means that we are back from our dreamy vacations, and ready to check what email campaigns marketers sent in the last couple of months.

With email marketing, there are ways to provide customers with a more relaxed approach and maintain regular contact without annoying them. How? Adjust your email marketing campaigns to the mood we all pursue during summer – happy and easygoing.

12 ways to build an email list

The first step to a successful email marketing campaign is to create a mailing list of people who are actually interested in your service or product. Some marketers prefer to buy ready-to-use databases. But you cannot be sure about the quality of these addresses. By quality, we mean:

  • Are those email addresses still active?
  • Are those contacts interested in your service?
  • Have they granted you a permission?

And permission here is the most crucial part here. Email marketing is regulated by CAN-SPAM Act or GDPR that allows marketers to send emails only to those users who agreed to receive newsletters by email.

Today, we will learn about effective methods to build a mailing list and get permission from users to communicate with them via email.

Why email marketing is must-have?

Email campaigns provide value for those who do it right! Well-written email campaigns engage users with your brand and keep them coming back to you! Investing in email marketing is less expensive than traditional techniques like print and TV. What’s even more important? YOUR USERS LOVE EMAILS. 72% of consumers prefer to get promotional messages through email, according to the study conducted by Marketing Sherpa.

Regarding marketing, email marketing is your reliable friend who reaches a wider and already interested audience. As a result, you catch qualified leads. Emails also work well if you aim for sustainable growth over time. These and other points we are going to discuss today.

Let’s find out what benefits you get from a good email marketing strategy.

How to craft transactional emails

An email is a powerful medium to communicate with your target audience. With its help, you build and maintain a connection with millions of customers at the same time. We discussed two types of emails in the previous article. So, feel free to read it and learn what they are and what differs them. In today’s blog post, we talk more about transactional emails and how to make them deliver results.

Let’s start with five tiny but valuable facts about transactional emails.

  • It is a one-to-one communication between the brand and the recipient
  • It is triggered by a specific action (or lack of action)
  • Transactional emails have 8x higher OR and CTR than marketing bulk emails
  • You can automate the process with the help of email marketing platforms like Sendios
  • Your recipients expect you to send transactional emails

Moreover, you can easily adapt transactional emails to any business. For instance, order confirmations for online shops, password recovery for social media platforms, and comment notifications for project management tools. So, here you’ll find the key elements of any transactional email.

7 elements of a better welcome email

What first impression does your company make on the subscriber? To find the answer, you will have to check the first message you send—a welcome email. If your goal is to build a strong connection with your customers, this message is the fundamental step of your email marketing efforts.

What is a welcome letter?

A welcome letter is the first interaction with your subscribers after they join your email list. Welcome messages are a friendly note that aims to establish contact. It can contain videos, special offers, or your company’s values. But if you strive to improve your engagement rates, the welcome email is a must!

A well-prepared first message introduces your brand. In this article, we present seven elements your welcome email should include.

On our Sendios blog, we regularly share valuable insights into email marketing and the latest industry trends you don't want to miss!

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